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December 20, 2022

Chairman Thompson Statement on Omnibus Including Nearly $400 Million for TSA Workforce Pay Increases, Expanded Collective Bargaining Rights

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on news that the omnibus government funding legislation for Fiscal Year 2023 includes $397.6 million to implement Transportation Security Administration (TSA) personnel system initiatives and improvements, including pay increases and expanded collective bargaining:

“I am pleased that we are closing out this Congress by providing much-needed improved pay and collective bargaining rights for TSA’s frontline workforce.  For over 15 years, I have led efforts to address disparities facing TSA’s Transportation Security Officers, who have kept our skies safe but are among the lowest paid workers in Federal government without the same workforce rights. Although we were unable to move TSA’s workforce to the proven title 5 system – as the House and the Administration supported – this funding still represents by far the biggest advancement for the workforce in TSA’s history. With this new funding, TSA should be able to start providing pay raises as early as July of next year.

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Adam Comis at 202-225-9978